Ep. #29 — Muggles, Magic, McGonagall, and More!
Today, June 23, 2016, marks the start of the American Library Association’s Annual Conference, which is being held in Orlando this year. Since so many librarians and library fans will be taking advantage of the nearby Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park while there, we decided to do another Harry Potter themed episode!
Jill is joined by Sheila, Andrea, and Christina as they discuss how they got into the books, Hybrid Hogwarts Houses, the differences between the books and the movies, favorite secondary characters, and their thoughts on the new play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, which is due to be published on July 31st and is currently available for pre-order for our library partners.
Featured OverDrive Staff
Jill, Sheila, Andrea, Christina
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Find OverDrive on Facebook at OverDriveforLibraries and Twitter at @OverDriveLibs. Email us directly at feedback@overdrive.com
“Buddy” provided royalty free from www.bensound.com
Podcast Overview
We’re not just book nerds: we’re professional book nerds and the staff librarians who work at OverDrive, the leading app for eBooks and audiobooks available through public libraries and schools. Hear about the best books we’ve read, get personalized recommendations, and learn about the hottest books coming out that we can’t wait to dive into. For more great reads, find OverDrive on Facebook and Twitter.
Posted on: June 23, 2016
Today, June 23, 2016, marks the start of the American Library Association’s Annual Conference, which is being held in Orlando this year. Since so many librarians and library fans will be taking advantage of the nearby Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park while there, we decided to do another Harry Potter themed episode!
Jill is joined by Sheila, Andrea, and Christina as they discuss how they got into the books, Hybrid Hogwarts Houses, the differences between the books and the movies, favorite secondary characters, and their thoughts on the new play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, which is due to be published on July 31st and is currently available for pre-order for our library partners.
Featured OverDrive Staff
Jill, Sheila, Andrea, Christina
Say Hello!
Find OverDrive on Facebook at OverDriveforLibraries and Twitter at @OverDriveLibs. Email us directly at feedback@overdrive.com
“Buddy” provided royalty free from www.bensound.com
Podcast Overview
We’re not just book nerds: we’re professional book nerds and the staff librarians who work at OverDrive, the leading app for eBooks and audiobooks available through public libraries and schools. Hear about the best books we’ve read, get personalized recommendations, and learn about the hottest books coming out that we can’t wait to dive into. For more great reads, find OverDrive on Facebook and Twitter.
Provided royalty free from www.bensound.com
Podcast Overview:
We're not just book nerds: we're professional book nerds and the staff librarians who work at OverDrive, the leading app for eBooks and audiobooks available through public libraries and schools. Hear about the best books we've read, get personalized recommendations, and learn about the hottest books coming out that we can't wait to dive into. For more great reads, find OverDrive on Facebook and Twitter.
We are proud to be an Evergreen Podcast Signature Program. For more information visit www.evergreenpodcasts.com
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