Category: Biography

On today’s episode, Adam is left all by his lonesome for a sleep-deprived introduction where he talks about a local theater production he saw the night before and begs you to give us a 5-star rating before getting into the actual important part of the show, an interview with the awesome Brad Ricca. Brad is […]

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Posted on: March 27, 2017 Category:

The OverDrive staff librarians come from a wide range of backgrounds and two of our librarians — Liz and Rachel K. — come from music library backgrounds. So we decided to use their collective knowledge and reading backgrounds to discuss musical memoirs and rock biographies!   Books Mentioned In this Episode Born to Run by […]

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Posted on: September 29, 2016 Category:

Adam sits down with Lisa Fenn, ESPN producer and author of the new book CARRY ON which examines the unexpected relationship between two disabled wrestlers living in inner city Cleveland. One of those wrestlers, Leroy Sutton, joins Adam and Lisa as they discuss the book and this incredible story of carrying on under extraordinary circumstances.  […]

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Posted on: September 5, 2016 Category:

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