Category: YA

In our 30th episode, Adam talks with author Gene Gant, a strong advocate for #WeNeedDiverseBooks, especially those that feature LGBT characters. Gant’s latest book, Bender, was realized in June and he’s also an author of young adult literature including Lucky Linus. He and Adam discuss his writing process, the importance of diverse characters, and his […]

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Posted on: June 30, 2016 Category:

In this week’s author interview, Adam talks with Ryan Graudin, young adult author of multiple books including Wolf by Wolf and its forthcoming sequel, Blood for Blood. She shares her writing process and she and Adam geek out over their shared love of fairy tales, tattoos, and travel.    Other books written by Ryan: Iron to […]

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Posted on: May 26, 2016 Category:

Newcomers to the podcast Christina and Andrea join Adam to discuss their favorite Young Adult books and series. They also discuss why they think YA is such a popular genre. Christina and Andrea share their favorite types of characters and subgenres to read about, whether or not Christina would survive the Hunger Games and the […]

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Posted on: May 12, 2016 Category:

May 5th marks the start of OverDrive’s AudioSYNC program so the OverDrive team is spending this episode talking about all things audiobooks! if you ever visit our Blue Sky Campus and walk around the office you’ll see lots of staff members with headphones on — there’s always a good chance that they are listening to an […]

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Posted on: May 5, 2016 Category:

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