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In this week’s episode, Jill is back and she talks with Adam and Kristin about fairy tales! We discuss what we think makes a fairy tale a fairy tale (which turns out to be a much harder question to answer than we originally thought!) and offer some of our favorite fairy tales, both long-standing original […] Read more
Posted on: June 2, 2016 Category:

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In this week’s author interview, Adam talks with Ryan Graudin, young adult author of multiple books including Wolf by Wolf and its forthcoming sequel, Blood for Blood. She shares her writing process and she and Adam geek out over their shared love of fairy tales, tattoos, and travel.    Other books written by Ryan: Iron to […] Read more
Posted on: May 26, 2016 Category:

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In today’s episode, Adam sits down with writer Jewell Parker Rhodes, an author who is familiar writing for both adults and juveniles/YA. Her forthcoming book, Towers Falling, is all about teaching the story of the 9/11 attacks to children who weren’t born when it happened. Like all of Jewell’s books, Towers Falling features a diverse […] Read more
Posted on: May 19, 2016 Category:

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